Mandy Thompson left the Calumet Inn after her time on the reality TV show “Hotel Hell.” The show, hosted by Gordon Ramsay, aimed to help struggling hotels turn their businesses around. Mandy and her sister, Missy, were given the inn by their parents, but they faced numerous challenges. After the episode aired, the sisters eventually stepped away from the inn’s management.
The Calumet Inn, located in Pipestone, Minnesota, was featured on the second season of “Hotel Hell” in 2014. Mandy Thompson and her sister Missy Thompson were struggling to keep the historic hotel afloat due to a lack of experience and various operational issues. Gordon Ramsay stepped in to provide advice and make changes to both the physical establishment and its management practices.
During the episode, Ramsay was critical of the state of the hotel, from the outdated decor to the lack of leadership and the sisters’ management style. He implemented several changes, including revamping the menu, renovating the rooms, and providing guidance on how to run the hotel more effectively.
Despite the initial boost from the show, reports suggest that the Thompson sisters eventually found it difficult to maintain the momentum. They faced financial challenges and operational difficulties that made it hard to sustain the improvements. According to local news and updates from people associated with the Calumet Inn, Mandy and Missy decided to step back from their roles at the hotel.
The fate of the Calumet Inn after their departure has varied, with different owners and management teams attempting to keep the historic establishment running. The inn has experienced ups and downs, but it remains a significant landmark in Pipestone, with many locals and visitors hoping for its continued success.