Sammi Slott, played by Emily Bergl, is introduced in the fourth season of “Shameless” as Frank Gallagher’s long-lost daughter. She becomes a recurring character and causes quite a bit of chaos for the Gallagher family. Her storyline concludes in the fifth season when she is shot by Mickey Milkovich and subsequently arrested by the police.
Sammi Slott’s character arc in “Shameless” is tumultuous and complex. She first appears when Frank seeks out his oldest daughter in an attempt to find a match for a liver transplant. Sammi, unaware that Frank is her father, initially welcomes him into her home and life. Upon discovering their relation, she desperately tries to forge a bond with Frank and the rest of the Gallaghers.
Her attempts to integrate into the family, however, are often misguided and lead to conflict. Sammi’s presence becomes increasingly problematic, particularly when she tries to assert authority over the Gallagher children and involves herself in their personal affairs. Her behavior escalates to the point where she even reports her half-brother, Carl, to the police, leading to his incarceration.
The tension between Sammi and the Gallaghers reaches a peak when she takes revenge on Frank for the role he played in her son, Chuckie, getting sent to juvenile detention. She holds Frank at gunpoint, but the situation is defused without anyone getting hurt.
Sammi’s final storyline in the series involves her conflict with Mickey Milkovich. After a series of events, Mickey mistakenly believes that Sammi has harmed his son, and in a fit of rage, he shoots her. Although she survives the shooting, the incident leads to her arrest. The police, who had been looking for her due to her involvement in other illegal activities, take her into custody. This marks the end of her character’s presence on the show, as she does not return in subsequent seasons, and her fate beyond her arrest is left unresolved.