Roscoe, played by Blake Garrett Rosenthal, left the show “Mom” after Season 4. He was written out of the storyline when his character moved to Colorado with his father, Baxter, and Baxter’s new wife.
In the early seasons of “Mom,” Roscoe is an integral part of the show, serving as the son of Christy Plunkett, one of the main characters. Christy, portrayed by Anna Faris, is a single mother who struggles with addiction and is trying to put her life back together. Roscoe’s character is often at the center of Christy’s attempts to be a better mother despite her past mistakes.
As the series progressed, the focus shifted more towards the women in the support group and their relationships with each other. The show began to explore deeper themes of recovery, female friendship, and resilience. By the end of Season 4, the decision was made to write Roscoe out of the show. This allowed the writers to concentrate more on the core group of women and their dynamics, rather than the family aspect that was initially a significant part of the storyline.
Roscoe’s departure was not accompanied by a dramatic event; it was a narrative choice that reflected a change in the direction of the show. After he left, the series continued to follow Christy, her mother Bonnie, and their friends as they navigated the challenges of their lives. The absence of Roscoe and other family members allowed for a tighter focus on the central themes of recovery and the bonds between the women in the support group.