Raiden, a character from the Metal Gear series, underwent significant changes throughout the games. Initially introduced as a new protagonist in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, he was a rookie agent with a mysterious past. By the time of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, he had transformed into a cyborg ninja with enhanced abilities.
In Metal Gear Solid 2, Raiden is portrayed as a member of FOXHOUND sent to the Big Shell facility to rescue hostages and disarm the terrorist group Sons of Liberty. Throughout the game, players learn about his traumatic childhood and his past as a child soldier. His experiences and the manipulation he faces during the mission lead to a deep personal crisis, which becomes a central theme of the game.
Raiden’s transformation into a cyborg began in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, where he reappears as a supporting character. He has undergone extensive cybernetic surgery, which gives him superhuman strength and agility. His body is now mostly artificial, save for his head and spine. This change was a result of his desire to save the life of Sunny, Olga Gurlukovich’s daughter, and to support Solid Snake in his final mission.
In Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, set four years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 4, Raiden works for a private military company and has received further enhancements to his cyborg body. The game focuses on his struggle to come to terms with his identity and his past as a child soldier, as well as his efforts to protect the weak against various corrupt and powerful forces. Raiden’s character arc is one of redemption and self-discovery, as he battles both external enemies and his inner demons.