Big Chief, also known as Justin Shearer, left the show “Street Outlaws” to pursue his own interests and projects within the street racing community. He remains an active and influential figure in the racing scene.
Justin Shearer, better known as Big Chief, was one of the prominent figures on the Discovery Channel’s reality TV series “Street Outlaws,” which focuses on street racing in the Oklahoma City area. He became well-known for his racing skills and his car, “The Crow.” However, fans noticed that Big Chief was not appearing as frequently on the show.
The reasons for his reduced presence and eventual departure from “Street Outlaws” have not been officially detailed by the network or Shearer himself. However, it is widely speculated that he wanted to focus on his personal life and his own business ventures, including his work at the Midwest Street Cars Automotive and his own racing career.
Despite leaving the show, Big Chief continues to be a significant part of the street racing community. He is active on social media, where he shares updates about his races, cars, and events he attends. His departure from “Street Outlaws” has allowed him to explore other opportunities and maintain his passion for racing without the constraints of a reality TV format. He remains a respected and influential figure in the street racing world, and his fans continue to follow his endeavors in the racing scene.