The world of Hollywood is rife with stunningly beautiful actors and personalities. Each one lights up the red carpet with its own unique and genuine aesthetics. Be it their clothing, makeup, the way they wear their hair, or even as simple as the way they smirk. Hollywood and show business are strictly a “show now, tell later” industry, and to survive, you need to be showing something worth the camera.
If we were to list the number of men that were aesthetically pleasing and “camera-worthy,” regardless of where we are in the world as we made said list, one name would make its way to our top ten consecutively— Tom Hardy.
Tom Hardy looks good in just about anything, be it a tux, a sweater, or even a simple t-shirt— rumor has it, he even looks good shirtless. But that is not what we want to discuss today; today, we want to explore the follicular life of Tom Hardy.
For those of us in the audience that do not know, that means hair, and more specifically, we are speaking about hair on his head and general face area.
Tom has a great beard and an equally lovely head of hair. The two combine to form a host of iconic looks, both off and on-screen. And thankfully, there are a lot of his looks that have been documented for our viewing pleasure.
There are many Tom Hardy’s beards looks, so much so that it is quite difficult to pick the best ones. Trust me, I tried. And of course, my pick is the best tom hardy beard looks you will see anywhere.
Sit back, join me as we explore the best Tom Hardy heard looks in this article. Bear with me; things are going to get hairy but in a good way.
Tom Hardy Goatee
Tom Hardy has an innate talent that allows him to pull off any look. The first one we’re going to talk about is the goatee look.
A goatee refers to a style of facial hair constituted by the hair on a man’s chin and a well-groomed mustache. A mustache is, however, an option. The defining look for a goatee is the hair growing on the chin. This means the mustache and sideburns can be clean-shaven. The goatee is a very distinct style and is also quite popular.
There are other defining features: cleanly-shaven cheeks and perhaps a connected line of hair from the mustache to the hair growing on the chin.
When there is a fully grown mustache connecting with the chin hair, it is known as a “Van Dyke”. This is the look that Tom Hardy goes for instead of the classic “chin hair only” look, and it suits him very well.
Hardy can pull off this look thanks to his bushy beard, which he never really cleanly shaves off, and an accentuated goatee. Even with the scruffy intent, the look does not come off as shabby at all but rather very neat.
How does Tom Hardy’s beard stay neat even when he carries it in an “unkempt” look? It is not by order of the peaky blinders; it is conditioning. Tom Hardy’s goatee and beard are righteously conditioned, so they stay smooth and lush.
Tom Hardy can pull off a clean, accentuated goatee beard look, thanks to this beard hack. It does not look worn or scratchy. He also trims the sides so that the stubble length is not so low and yet not high enough to take focus away from the goatee and mustache.
So, if you want to look as rugged and dashing as Tom Hardy with a goatee, the trick is to:
- Trim your sideburns
- Condition your beards
- Groom your mustache
- Smile more, of course.
Tom Hardy Short Beard
Another look Tom Hardy can pull off seamlessly is the short beard look. The “short beard” refers to a face full of hair but trimmed just right, so it is not considered “busy.”
A short beard is a great way to look casual and maintain an official look. Think of it as the quintessential dinner event look for men; that is what a short beard is. And who better than Tom Hardy to pull off this casual, non-casual look? Nope, I cannot think of anyone else.
A short beard consists of a fully grown mustache, sideburns, and chin goatee. If you wish to grow a short beard, you need to remember to trim each of the parts mentioned above that make up the beard so they are all of the same height. A short beard should not be confused with stubble or a close shave. A stubble look refers to the regrowth after a clean shave, which means the follicles are much shorter and “scratchy.”
A close shave refers to trimming a full beard, so there’s just fairly visible facial hair—the visible hair not so far from that of the stubble growth.
Tom Hardy’s beards are often all shades of trimmed, ragged, or full. So, for him, a short beard is just a simple transition via a quick shave.
A short beard also goes great with many hairstyles, such as a slicked-back look or a spiked gel one. Whichever look you or Tom Hardy are going for, know that a short beard is a perfect canvas to pull it off.
Tom Hardy comfortably pulls off this look because he knows exactly what works for him. He knows just the level of hair he needs to trim it to. If you wish to pull it off, you just need to:
- Grow a mustache
- Grow sideburns
- Grow a goatee
- Trim all three to be barely longer than stubble length.
Tom Hardy Long Beard
It was always going to happen that we would discuss Tom Hardy wearing a full, long beard. It is frankly our favorite look for him; that “rebel without a cause” aesthetics it brings out is always a sight for sore eyes. And by God, does he wear it well.
The Long Beard refers to looking a little similar to the short beard except that it is oh so different. Instead of the lightly trimmed look, the long beard refers to letting everything grow out as far as possible. The mustache, goatee, and sideburns are let to flourish and thicken and groomed, giving the face a fuller, more rugged look.
Tom Hardy pulls this look off effortlessly thanks to his “bad boy” aura, and it also ties in perfectly with his ruggedly handsome face. A face like his makes it rather too easy for him.
A full beard is meant to accentuate the attractiveness of a man, and also it offers a lot of facial definition. A full beard is also a very important factor in the success or failure of a romantic relationship. Now you see why Hardy gets all the ladies.
However, a full beard requires a healthy amount of grooming, treatment, and conditioning. It might not grow properly without all this, leaving bald spots or weak, thin hair. For that full, healthy, lush look, ensure you get the right beard hair care products such as castor oil and deep conditioners.
A full beard is not hard to pull off if you truly wish to go for it. It goes great with a laid-back look or even a formal look. If you wish to pull off the lumberjack or working-man look, you can.
So, if you want to pull off the Tom Hardy full beard look:
- Grow a mustache
- Grow your sideburns
- Grow a goatee
- Only trim lightly, so it remains full.
Tom Hardy Bald With Beard
This look is rather simple and, at the same time, really tough to pull off. The bald with a beard look is popularized in Hollywood. However, it is used to portray a certain type of rugged. A “handier” man, maybe even a lumberjack or a farmer. Whichever it is, he appreciated nature, strength, and the need to get your hands dirty.
For tom hardy, words like rugged or gritty are not new to him; in fact, his whole aesthetic is built around it. He is also unafraid to experiment, to change things up a bit. The good thing is that they still ended up being amazing looks nonetheless whenever he switched things up.
For this look, you need to simply have already accomplished the previous look; the full beard look. Once you have fully grown out your mustache, goatee, and sideburns, you need to shave your head clean. That’s right, all of it, you have got to shave your head to properly pull this off.
Tom Hardy wears this “bald and beards” look and still manages to exude that bad boy look while still giving off a “big teddy bear” look. He keeps his beards fluffy and smooth with ample conditioning and grooming.
If you have thinning hair or perhaps a receding hairline, this style is the way out for you. Instead of continuing to gel together with the thinning hair, accept that you are losing hair and shave it off altogether. Besides, all the cool men have gone bald— intentionally or not. You would be enlisting into an elite group of men that obviously contains Tom Hardy.
Worried you can’t pull it off? Fret not; all you need to do is to follow the steps Tom Hardy took. Which are;
- Grow a full beard
- Groom and condition the beard
- Shave the hair on your head, all of it.
Tom Hardy Undercut And Beard
Speaking of risky hairstyles Tom Hardy wears, the “undercut” ranks the highest. And this is not to say that the hairstyle of choice is terrible; it is just a little outdated. But do not go telling Tom Hardy that.
The Undercut is a hairstyle that refers to cutting the sides or back of your hair or both. And when I say cut, I mean shave, like buzz cut type shave. The top of your hair will be left to grow long, untouched. It is considered risky, even for females— who, I might add, can pull it off effortlessly. For men, it is sometimes considered a “forbidden choice.”
For males, it is a rather tough style to pull off for a number of reasons, such as the fact that it can work against you and end up looking like a mohawk instead of a bad day at the barbers. But this seems not to bother Tom Hardy, and frankly, it should not bother you as well.
The Undercut works greatly with one particular thing; a full beard. The visual symmetry of the tapered sides to the full sideburns and to a lush beard is a truly amazing sight. With Tom Hardy, it is even better; he is able to pull it off seamlessly, for reasons I will explain soon.
First of all, he is Tom Hardy, a bad boy brit, and the Undercut is basically a comfort zone hairstyle for him. Pair it up with a full, thick beard, and you have a straight-up, ruggedly handsome look. The one thing the Undercut does for you, and the main reason Tom loves the look, is that it makes you younger.
Just as you chop off the hairs on the sides of your head, you chop off a few years of your age. So, there’s more reward than the risk with this choice. To pull it off, you should;
- Shave the sides of your head
- Shave the back of your head
- You are ready to go
Tom Hardy Moustache Only
We have come to the best; I know they say there is “saving the best for last” or “the last but not the least” as cliché, but this time, we are for real. The mustache look is a great choice for a man. You should try at least once in your life, whether with a full head of hair or without.
Tom Hardy has shown that it really takes just the will to do it, to pull off a look. Oh sure, you will argue that he’s a handsome, dashing specimen of a man, and you would be right. But beards are like makeup for men, and I have faith in you that you can pull it off as well. Enough of that; let’s go back to Tom and his mustache.
The “mustache-only” look is often associated with the 1920s, when facial hair hygiene was paramount and a fashionable choice for men. Mustaches were only used to gauge a person’s class or standing in society. The cleaner, healthier, or fuller the mustache, the wealthier the man. And also, the more attractive as well.
All of these are true today. Haircare is an expensive venture and a sign of good hygiene; the ladies also absolutely love it. For Tom Hardy, this is also very true. As we know already, Tom takes special care of his face mane, making sure that it looks lush and smooth every time.
This special care is how he is able to pull off a style as simple as the mustache. You need not have sideburns or a goatee for this style, even though there are variations that favor either in combination with the mustache. The classic mustache look involves cleanly shaved sideburns and chin hair. You are placing the focus and the only facial hair that is underneath your nose.
So, to pull off the mustache only, you need to;
- Shave your sideburns
- Shave your goatee
- Groom and condition your mustache
Tom Hardy has a plethora of looks, each of which is a sight for sore eyes. I bet if you were asked which ones are his best, you, too, would have a hard time naming them. Well, the truth is, and I say this with all humility, he does not have a “best” look. All his looks, each one of them, are perfect tens.
So, consider this a hardy shrine post, one that is, frankly, long overdue. It is also a style guide for you who wishes to style your hair and beards like the legend. Whichever ones tickle your fancy among the styles listed, I am confident you can pull it off.