Are you hitting a rough patch in life? We find that sometimes motivational quotes can help us through those phases. That is why we have gathered 25 quotes that might change your perspective on situations in your life and that might even help you a little.
So let us help you with these quotes. Read them, think about them, write them in your journal. We hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Life Is What You Make It Quotes:
1. Life Is Trying Things To See If They Work.
What are you currently doing in your life? Does it make you happy? You are allowed to try things even if you are not sure if they work out. Because life is all about trying things and seeing if they do work or not, failing sometimes is part of the process.
There might even come a day where you will look back and be happy that you failed. Because it helped you learn and find out what you really want from life.
So get out there and try things. Things you are passionate about, things you have been thinking about for a while. What is the worst that could happen? That it might not work out? At least you know then. Keep this mantra close when you are thinking about your dreams.
2. Do Not Go Where The Path May Lead, Go Instead Where There Is No Path And Leave A Trail.
Just because things have been done a certain way for a long time, that does not mean that you need to do them to do that way too. You can change things, make new paths. Lead the way to new things and new ways of thinking.
We are trying to see that when you are trying to achieve your goals and are trying to live your dreams, it does not make sense to look around and see how other people have done them to copy them. You can find your path, even if you are the first one to walk it.
Other people might follow and be thankful that you have left that trail. One person always has to be the first in anything.
3. The Truth Is, Everyone Is Going To Hurt You. You Have To Find The Ones Worth Suffering For.
Have you realized that people barely ever live up to our expectations? That realization might hurt, but you can never forget that the people in your life are just human. And also: You choose the people that get to have a part in your life.
So yes, everyone is probably going to hurt you at one point in your relationship. And you will probably hurt them, too. All you have to do is find out which ones are worth suffering for and which ones are just plain.
Choose the people in your life wisely and feel the privilege of cutting toxic people out. Everyone has toxic traits, probably. Just find out which people are worth suffering through those and maybe even working on them together. Find your people.
4. Do Not Let Making A Living Prevent You From Making A Life.
When choosing a career, but the money focuses aside for a second. Think about your passions. What do you want to do? What would you do if money would not play a role? What good will an office job that makes you a fortune but also leaves you miserable get? It will get you a life where you are making a living but not a life.
Make memories, be as happy as you can. And try to find a job that you are passionate about. Because if we think about it realistically, we do spend a lot of our time working. Why waste that time in a job that you hate?
5. Do What Only You Can Do. Do It Well. Do It Often. Do It With Pride. Do It With A Smile. Do It To The Best Of Your Abilities. Could You Share It With The World?
Have you found your hidden talent yet? The thing that only you can do? Some people know what it is by the day they are seven years old, and some people need longer to figure it out. But you will find it. Look for your passions.
And when have you found it? Do it well, do it as often as you can, and do it proudly. This thing does not have to be your job. It can be a hobby, it can also be a characteristic that you use in your daily life to make yourself and others happy. And when you have finally found that thing, never compromise it. It is what makes you, you.
6. We Are Not Given A Good Or A Bad Life. We Are Given A Life. It’s Up To Us To Make It Good Or Bad.
When you are born, there are many things that are out of your control. In fact, a lot of things will be out of your control, at least until you are 18 years old. Those things can have a good effect on you, but they can also have a bad effect.
At the end of the day, it is all about what you make out of that. Of course, some people have better terms to start with, just because of the family they are born in. But thinking how unfair the world is will only waste your time and not change any of it.
Be the change. Design the life that you want with the tools that you have right now. Do not waste your life, and you probably will only get this one chance to live it.
7. Everything In Your Life Is A Reflection Of A Choice You Have Made. If You Want A Different Result, Make A Different Choice.
The choices you are making today will result in your future. Do you see all of these successful people and wish to be like them? Well, they have started just like you with an idea. And then they worked hard for it.
Success rarely happens overnight. You have to make it happen. Make choices that reflect on the future that you want to have, and then it will happen for you, too. And people will look up to your success. Life is all about choices. But what we often forget is that these choices all lead to a result.
8. Love The Life You Live. Live The Life You Love.
Be grateful for every single day. Even for the bad days because some people do not get the privilege to have a lot of days left at all. So love the life you live, but also live the life you love. Make changes, reflect on your life right now.
Are you happy? What could be better? Always ask yourself: Can it get better than this? And if the answer is yes: Make it happen, make it better.
So be grateful for every single minute, but also make sure those minutes are worth your while. Fill them with things you are passionate about or have done for a greater good, a greater goal. Make yourself the happiest you can be.
9. Don’t Cry Because It’s Over, Smile Because It Happened.
We often cry when things are over. That is okay. Let your emotions happen, do not push them away. But always remember that everything that ends also has a beginning and a middle. Be happy for what you got, even when it ends now.
So cry, but also smile because you were so happy to get a before-a before the end. Do not forbid yourself to be sad, but always be grateful at the same time, okay? Because we all know that a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles!
10. I’ve Learned That People Will Forget What You Said And What You Did, But People Will Never Forget How You Made Them Feel.
We all make mistakes, and we all say things we do not mean. But generally, be kind. Be a kind person, make people feel welcome. People may forget what you did or what you said but never how your presence made them feel.
You can be kind to everyone you meet. It does not cost a penny. Think about how you want people to act towards you and try to extend that longing to the people you meet and treat them like that: Nice, kind, and welcoming.
11. This Life Is What You Make It. No Matter What, You’re Going To Mess Up Sometimes, It’s A Universal Truth.
We all mess up sometimes. Nobody is perfect. But the general gist is that life is what you make of it. Learn from your mistakes. If you do something wrong once, it is a learning experience. If you do it wrong twice, it is a choice. Make good choices for your own life.
If you stop seeing mistakes as failures rather than learning, you will no longer feel wrong about them. Perspective is so much more important than we sometimes make it out to be. Try to change your perspective, be kind to yourself, and make the best out of everything.
12. Success Is How High You Bounce When You Hit Bottom.
We all know this. There is no guarantee for tomorrow, there is no guarantee that success will last. But what even is success? We think it is how high you bounce once you hit rock bottom. You can get up or get help, that you know that everything is temporary and that it will get better.
13. The First Step Toward Success Is Taken When You Refuse To Be A Captive Of The Environment In Which You First Find Yourself.
We sometimes do not get to choose the initial environment we are in. But we always get to choose how to deal with it. Do not let other people bring you down. You are the only person who truly knows who you are or what you want and need from life.
Do not be a captive of the environment you are in. Make your own choices because you want and need to make them!
14. Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying.
Do you realize that it is a privilege to be alive? Some people die, even though all they do is want to live longer. So take that privilege and live the best life you could possibly live. That reality is different for everyone because we are all individuals with different goals.
But it does not matter if your goal is to be the best artist in town or to read 720 books a year: Just make it happen. Do not waste your life on things that do not have a meaning to you, okay?
15. Keep Smiling Because Life Is A Beautiful Thing, And There’s So Much To Smile About.
Are you in your head right now because something happened to you and you are sad? That is valid. Your emotions are valid. But never forget that there is a reason to live and that the next moment that makes you smile is probably not too far away.
There is beauty in life, and it would be a shame if you were too sad to realize this. Try to see it and try to find those little moments that make us smile, even in times when all we can see is grey sadness. There is light everywhere.
16. Our Life Is What Our Thoughts Make It.
We know that we are often affected by what people say to us. But do you realize that you are affected by what you are saying to yourself as well? You can navigate your thoughts, make them happier.
Scientists have said that the first thought we have about something is the mindset that we are taught. Maybe what our parents would say or other people that are close to us. But the second thought is the thing that we think. Reflect on every thought and make your brain a happy place.
17. Your Life Is What You Make It. So, Don’t Blame Others When You Screw Up.
You are responsible for your own actions. If you screw up, it is easier to look for the fault of other people than to admit that we did something wrong. As soon as you own up to your own mistakes, you will be able to learn from them and do better next time.
18. Only I Can Change My Life. No One Can Do It For Me.
You are the captain of your life. Make the changes you want to see. Nobody will change your life for you, that is your very own task. And it is a fun task because you get to design the life you want to live.
19. Life Is What You Make Of It. Don’t Make Excuses–Make It Happen.
Excuses are a waste of time. Please do not make them. Make the life you want to live instead.
20. Life Is 10 Percent What You Make It And 90 Percent How You Take It.
We can not always control what happens to us, but we can almost always decide how we react to it.
The last five quotes stand for themselves. Please read them, breathe, and take your time to think about them and implement some new thought patterns into your daily life.
21. Advice? I Don’t Offer Advice. Not My Business. Your Life Is What You Make It.
22. Your Life Is In Your Hands. Make Of It What You Choose.
23. If Life Is What You Make It, The Building Blocks Are Your Desire And Your Passion.
24. Life Is What You Make It…You Are What Your Life Makes You…So Spend Time Making Your Life.
25. You Have Brains In Your Head. You Have Feet In Your Shoes. You Can Steer Yourself In Any Direction You Choose.
Are you feeling better yet? Did these quotes help you in any way? We certainly hope they did. Life really is what you make out of it.