Vince Pierce is a fictional character from the 2010 documentary film “Catfish.” The film follows the story of a young man who builds a romantic relationship with a woman on Facebook, only to discover not everything is as it seems. Vince Pierce is the husband of Angela, the woman behind the deception. He is known for telling a story about how catfish keep cod active and thus ensure the quality of the fish, which is where the term “catfish” comes from in the context of online relationships.
In the documentary, Vince Pierce’s role is relatively minor, but his story about catfish and cod becomes a pivotal metaphor for the film’s message. The film explores the complexities of online identities and relationships. Vince’s wife, Angela, had created multiple fake profiles on social media to interact with Nev Schulman, the main subject of the documentary. As the truth unfolds, viewers learn that Angela had been maintaining these profiles for a significant amount of time, leading Nev and his friends on a journey to discover the reality behind the online personas.
The term “catfish” has since entered the popular lexicon to describe someone who pretends to be someone else online, often with the intent of engaging in deceptive romantic relationships. The success of the documentary led to a spin-off TV series, also called “Catfish,” which Nev Schulman hosts. The show helps people who are in online relationships determine whether their partners are truthful about their identities.