The sons of Moses, Gershom and Eliezer, are not prominently featured in the biblical narrative after their initial mention. They lived their lives largely out of the spotlight, with no significant roles recorded in the text.
In the Bible, Moses had two sons with his Midianite wife, Zipporah. Their names were Gershom and Eliezer. Gershom’s name is explained in Exodus 2:22, where Moses says, “I have been a stranger in a foreign land,” which reflects his experience living away from Egypt. Eliezer’s name, meaning “My God is help,” is mentioned in Exodus 18:4, and it refers to Moses’ acknowledgment of God’s assistance in saving him from the sword of Pharaoh.
The biblical account does not provide much detail about the lives of Gershom and Eliezer. After their initial mention, they largely disappear from the narrative. There is a brief reference to Gershom’s descendants in 1 Chronicles 23:15-17 and 26:24, where it is noted that they became part of the tribe of Levi and served in roles associated with the tabernacle. Similarly, Eliezer’s descendants are mentioned in 1 Chronicles 23:17, where it is recorded that his son Rehabiah had many children and that this family line was also part of the Levitical priesthood.
The lack of information about Moses’ sons may be due to the focus of the biblical narrative on Moses’ leadership and the formation of Israel as a nation under God’s guidance. The roles and lives of his sons were not central to this story, and as such, they were not given much attention in the scriptural texts.