Starkiller, also known as Galen Marek, is a fictional character from the Star Wars universe, primarily featured in the “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed” video game and its multimedia project. He was the secret apprentice of Darth Vader and a powerful Force-user.
In the narrative of “The Force Unleashed,” Starkiller starts as a Sith apprentice trained by Darth Vader to hunt down and eliminate Jedi survivors of Order 66. Throughout the game, Starkiller carries out Vader’s orders, but as he encounters various characters, including Jedi survivors and the Rebel Alliance founders, he begins to question his path. His journey leads him to a pivotal point where he must choose between the dark side and the light.
In the canonical ending of the game, which aligns with the broader Star Wars narrative, Starkiller ultimately sacrifices himself to save the leaders of the Rebel Alliance from the Emperor and Darth Vader, becoming a martyr for the Rebellion. His sacrifice helps cement the foundation of the Rebel Alliance, which plays a crucial role in the galaxy’s fight against the Empire.
The character’s legacy is further explored in the sequel, “Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II,” where a clone of Starkiller is created by Vader in an attempt to create a perfect and obedient apprentice. This clone experiences identity crises and visions of the original Starkiller’s life, leading him on his own quest for self-discovery and a confrontation with his creator. The sequel expands on the themes of identity, freedom, and the struggle between the light and dark sides of the Force.