Redbeard, also known as Keaton Hoskins, left the Diesel Brothers show to focus on his family and his own business ventures. He has not been a regular on the show since.
Keaton Hoskins, better known as Redbeard, was one of the key members of the Diesel Brothers, a reality television series that follows the crew at DieselSellerz as they build and sell custom diesel trucks. Redbeard was known for his expertise in managing the business side of DieselSellerz and for his distinctive red beard.
Over time, Redbeard decided to step back from the show to prioritize his personal life. His departure was not due to any on-screen drama or conflict but was a personal choice to dedicate more time to his family and to pursue other professional opportunities. Redbeard has always been passionate about entrepreneurship and has been involved in various business ventures outside of the show.
Since leaving Diesel Brothers, Redbeard has continued to be active on social media, where he shares updates about his life, family, and business endeavors. He remains good friends with the rest of the Diesel Brothers crew, and there is mutual respect among them. Fans of the show have expressed their support for Redbeard’s decision and continue to follow his journey beyond the television series.