Pigeon Pete is a character from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) series, specifically from the IDW comics and the 2012 animated series. In the comics, he continues to be a part of the TMNT universe, often depicted as an ally to the turtles. However, his fate can vary depending on the storyline and medium.
In the IDW comics, Pigeon Pete is a mutant pigeon who is a member of the Mighty Mutanimals, a group of mutant animals that are allies of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He is characterized by his less-than-average intelligence but is well-meaning and loyal to his friends. Pete’s role in the comics involves various adventures with the Mutanimals, where he contributes to the team in his own unique way, despite not being the strongest or smartest member.
In the 2012 animated series, Pigeon Pete first appears in the episode “The Mutation Situation.” He is portrayed as a rather goofy and simple-minded character who is eager to help but often gets in the way due to his clumsiness. Throughout the series, Pete remains a recurring character, assisting the turtles and the Mutanimals in their battles against various antagonists. His fate in the animated series is not as clearly defined as in the comics, as characters in animated shows often come and go without a definitive conclusion to their story.
Overall, Pigeon Pete’s character is one that provides comic relief and a sense of camaraderie among the mutant community within the TMNT universe. His continued presence in the comics suggests that he remains an active participant in the ongoing adventures of the TMNT and their allies.