Mirror Matt was a character who faced a tragic end.
Mirror Matt, also known as Matthew Malloy, is a fictional character from the Marvel Comics universe. He was introduced in the “Uncanny X-Men” series as an incredibly powerful mutant with reality-warping abilities. His powers were so vast and uncontrollable that they posed a significant threat to everyone around him. The X-Men discovered him after he inadvertently caused several catastrophic events due to his inability to control his abilities.
As the X-Men tried to help him, the situation escalated, leading to various conflicts with other mutants and groups. The gravity of the threat he posed became so severe that it caught the attention of the time-traveling mutant Tempus, who was a member of the X-Men from a future timeline. She was tasked with resolving the situation to prevent further destruction.
Ultimately, the decision was made to eliminate the threat of Mirror Matt by erasing him from existence. Tempus traveled back in time to before Matt’s parents met, ensuring they never did, which prevented his birth. This drastic measure was taken as a last resort to protect the timeline and the lives of countless innocents. Mirror Matt’s existence and the potential havoc he could wreak were thus negated, effectively removing him from the Marvel continuity. This resolution highlighted the complex moral decisions the X-Men often face when dealing with powerful mutants who cannot control their abilities.