There is no sequel to “The Boxtrolls.” The film remains a standalone adaptation of the novel “Here Be Monsters!” by Alan Snow.
“The Boxtrolls” is a stop-motion animated film produced by Laika Studios, released in 2014. It was directed by Graham Annable and Anthony Stacchi and received critical acclaim for its unique animation style and charming story. The film tells the tale of an orphaned boy named Eggs who is raised by underground cave-dwelling trash collectors known as the Boxtrolls.
Despite the film’s success and the rich universe created by the original book, Laika Studios has not announced any plans for a sequel. Laika is known for creating original and standalone stories, such as “Coraline,” “ParaNorman,” and “Kubo and the Two Strings,” rather than focusing on sequels to their existing films. The studio has a reputation for its artistry and storytelling, and it often moves on to new projects to explore different narratives and characters.
The decision not to produce a sequel to “The Boxtrolls” may also be influenced by the film’s performance at the box office and the considerable time and effort required to produce high-quality stop-motion animation. Creating a sequel would demand a significant investment, and Laika may have chosen to allocate its resources to developing new stories that push the boundaries of animation and storytelling.
Fans of “The Boxtrolls” can still enjoy the original film and the rich world it presents, but as of now, they should not expect a continuation of Eggs’ story in the form of a second film. Instead, Laika continues to work on new projects that promise to deliver the same level of creativity and innovation that audiences have come to expect from the studio.