Batman, a fictional character created by DC Comics, does not have a canonical sister in the primary continuity of the comic books. However, in some alternative universes and storylines, characters have been introduced who could be considered his sisters.
In the vast and complex multiverse of DC Comics, there are numerous alternate realities and storylines where Batman’s family situation differs from the well-known canon. For instance, in the alternate universe of the comic book series “Flashpoint,” Thomas Wayne becomes Batman after his son, Bruce, is killed. In this universe, Martha Wayne goes insane from grief and becomes the Joker. While this storyline does not introduce a sister for Bruce Wayne, it does present an alternate version of his family.
Another example is the character of Helena Wayne, who is the daughter of Batman (Bruce Wayne) and Catwoman (Selina Kyle) in the Earth-Two continuity. While not a sister, she is a close female relative who takes on the mantle of the Huntress.
Outside of the main DC continuity, there have been Elseworlds stories and what-if scenarios that explore different aspects of the Batman mythos, including changes to his family. These stories are not considered part of the official canon and typically do not have a lasting impact on the character’s mainstream narrative.
In summary, while Batman does not have a sister in the primary DC Comics continuity, various alternate universes and storylines have explored different family dynamics for the character, including the introduction of female relatives who could be considered analogous to a sister.