Barry Grant, a fictional character from the soap opera “Brookside,” was written out of the show in 1995. Actor Paul Usher, who played Barry, left the series after his character was involved in various criminal activities and storylines.
Barry Grant was one of the most iconic characters in “Brookside,” which was a groundbreaking British soap opera that aired from 1982 to 2003. The character was introduced in the very first episode as part of the Grant family, which quickly became central to many of the show’s storylines. Barry was known for his villainous behavior, which included drug dealing, extortion, and even murder.
Throughout his time on the show, Barry’s character evolved from a troubled youth into a full-fledged criminal mastermind. His storylines were often dark and gritty, reflecting the show’s willingness to tackle serious and controversial issues. Despite his actions, Barry was a popular character among viewers, thanks in part to Paul Usher’s charismatic performance.
Barry’s departure from the show was a significant moment for “Brookside.” His final storyline saw him fleeing the country to avoid arrest after his criminal empire was exposed. The character made a few brief returns in later years, including a notable appearance in the final episode of the series, which provided closure for long-time fans.
Paul Usher’s decision to leave the show allowed him to pursue other acting opportunities. After leaving “Brookside,” Usher appeared in various television series and stage productions. His role as Barry Grant remains one of his most memorable performances, and the character is still remembered as one of the most notorious villains in British soap opera history.