Applejack’s parents, Bright Mac and Pear Butter, are implied to have passed away.
In the “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” series, the fate of Applejack’s parents is not directly stated, but it is heavily implied that they are deceased. The most significant insight into their story comes from the Season 7 episode “The Perfect Pear.” In this episode, Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac learn more about their parents’ history.
Bright Mac, a member of the Apple family, and Pear Butter, from the rival Pear family, fell in love despite the feud between their families. Their relationship is reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet’s, with the added twist that they ultimately marry in secret. The episode showcases their love story through flashbacks and recounts how Pear Butter chose to stay with Bright Mac and the Apple family, effectively leaving her own family behind.
Throughout the series, Applejack’s parents are referred to in the past tense, and there are several moments that suggest they are no longer alive. For example, in the episode “Apple Family Reunion,” there are two shooting stars that pass overhead, which Granny Smith and Applejack look at meaningfully, implying that these represent Bright Mac and Pear Butter watching over them.
The show’s creators have been careful to handle the topic with sensitivity, as the target audience is young children. They have not explicitly stated what happened to Applejack’s parents, allowing families watching the show to discuss the topic of loss in a way that is appropriate for them. The absence of Applejack’s parents is a part of her character’s backstory that adds depth to her role in the series, emphasizing themes of family, love, and legacy.